In Stock Color Samples

The colors shown below are approximate and for reference only.  They will display differently on computer monitors, devices, and printers.   We have selected our stock colors to complement your antique farm equipment.

Unfortunately, exact color matching is not possible.  We carry the following color combinations in stock, but if you don’t see the color combination you would like, call us to see if we can special order your custom colors.

Metallic colors are 20% more:  Brushed Gold/Black, Polished Gold/Black, Brushed Aluminum/Black, and Polished Aluminum/Black

Popular Colors (Background / Letters)

John Deere:Green/Yellow, Yellow/Green, White/Green
IH & IHC:Red/White, White/Red, Black/White
AC & Case:Orange/Black, Orange/White
MM & MH & COCKSHUTT:Red/Yellow, Yellow/Red
Ford & Ferguson:Red/White, Alum/Blue, Med Blue/White
Oliver:Red/Yellow, Yellow/Green, Dark Green/White, White/Green
Black/White:looks sharp on almost everything